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Hip Pain

Hip and Leg Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Chiropractic Treatment

Causes and Symptoms:


  • Misalignment and Nerve Irritation: A misaligned spine can irritate nerves, causing hip and leg pain, muscle spasms, and sometimes being mistaken for back pain due to the connection between the spine and pelvis.

  • Joint Wear and Tear: The hip joint, where the thigh bone and pelvis meet, is protected by cartilage. Arthritis, or the deterioration of this cartilage, leads to pain and swelling.

  • Posture and Sedentary Lifestyle: Prolonged sitting or poor posture can cause slipped or ruptured discs, leading to sciatica, numbness, and leg weakness, potentially requiring surgery if untreated.

  • Injuries: Fractures, common in older people with osteoporosis, and sprains can cause pain, stiffness, and limited mobility.


Types of Diseases Causing Hip and Leg Problems:


  • Organic Diseases: Result from physical changes, such as spine misalignment or fractures.

  • Metastatic Diseases: Such as Aseptic Necrosis, occur when cancer cells or other conditions reduce blood flow to the hip, more frequent post-injury or in certain conditions. In children, it's called Perthes Disease.

  • Degenerative Diseases: Conditions like osteoporosis, where long-term wear and tear or serious injuries lead to the breakdown of bones, muscles, and nerves, causing pain and swelling.


Chiropractic Treatment Approach:


  • Your chiropractor will diagnose the cause of your hip and leg pain. For fractures or cancer, you'll be referred to a specialist. Most other conditions can be treated with spinal adjustments.

  • Rehabilitative Exercises: Recommended exercises aim to heal and strengthen the spine.

  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Advice on diet, posture, and work habits will be provided to tackle the root causes of your pain, promoting overall health and well-being.


Call our office today for an appointment.

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